Department of Digital Ajman
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Ownership bundle in Ajman

A special bundle was designed in the Emirate of Ajman, and it is the first bundle in the world that focuses on facilitating the customer’s journey to move to new properties in the Emirate of Ajman while providing 4 proactive services for dealing without the need and a center for website or email service centers.
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The customer visits more than 5 service centers and a website to activate services such as the Internet, electricity, electricity, and sanitation in his new property, which increases the request to obtain the service and requires achievement.
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Raising the quality of life in the Emirate of Ajman by reducing government requirements for purchasing real estate, in return providing proactive, fast, integrated and reliable services in cooperation with strategic partners.


The fifteen-minute city

بالبيانات المفتوحة تم استحداث خارطة تفاعلية تحاكي خريطة مدينة عجمان و مرافقها الخدمية الهامة مثل المؤسسات الحكومية، المستشفيات، المدارس، الجامعات، مراكز الترفيهية, و محطات المواصلات و غيرها و تعزيز الخريطة بتصور مرئي للوصول إليها في مدة خمس عشرة دقيقة سيراً على الأقدام أو عبر قيادة السيارة.
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Not obtaining a clear vision for decision makers, entrepreneurs and investors about the places where projects can be developed that contribute to providing important facilities for the city’s residents in the available places.
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The "15-minute city" concept in urban planning aims to make it easier for residents to move around the city and reach their basic needs within a fifteen-minute walk or drive. This will provide a new, more comprehensive residential neighborhood concept and raise the quality of life in the community.


Ajman Data Portal

A platform for managing and publishing open data in the Emirate of Ajman, to serve as a space for enhancing and sharing among all segments of society including students, developers, researchers, and enthusiasts from within and outside the country. The platform aims to cultivate a culture of open data and leverage it in innovative solutions and services by all these segments. It covers various topics such as housing, economy, environment, trade, tourism, health, and many other diverse subjects.
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Not obtaining open data from reliable sources or from government data owners in one interface in various formats, using expensive tools to assist them in visualizing data and converting it into clear and valuable graphical forms.
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With the presence of the Ajman Data Portal, it allows developers, researchers, and school and university students to obtain open data in various formats from government agencies in the emirate, which can be used in innovative solutions, services, or applications, and to exploit the available tools safely and without any cost, and to create a graphic visualization for the user. It is also possible to submit a request for a statement from the government or share success stories with the public through the Portal.


ISO22301 Certification in Business Continuity Management Systems

Implementing business continuity management policies in accordance with ISO22301 standards, obtaining the relevant certification, and disseminating these policies across government departments. This ensures risk management, business continuity, services, and the protection of government data in emergencies and disasters, providing reliable services with top efficiency and effectiveness around the clock.

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The absence of policies in business continuity management in line with ISO 22301 standards.
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  • Ensuring adherence to the national and global standards in business continuity management.
  • Ensuring the guarantee of risk management, continuous operations, services, and safeguarding government data during emergencies and crises.
  • Delivering services that are reliable, highly efficient, and effective 24/7.


Launching The "Bait Amer" Initiative

A governmental package launched in collaboration between five governmental entities, specifically designed to facilitate the citizen's house-building journey.

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  • Multiple contact points to complete the application and the recurring need to visit service canters.
  • Repeated requests for documents.
  • Different payment gateways.
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  • A smooth and secure journey for the user.
  • Providing proactive services.
  • A single platform for submitting engineering, construction, and service applications.
  • Reducing contact points.
  • Offering safe and reliable online payment solutions.


Launching The "Journeys Factory" Initiative

An initiative focused on studying government services and their interconnections, with the aim of innovating seamless, proactive, safe, and reliable user journeys in collaboration with strategic partners and stakeholders. This initiative is based on appropriate standards to design future government packages and employ government enablers, addressing costumer needs and accelerating the adoption of digital government services in Ajman, ultimately improving the quality of life in the emirate.

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Lack of clear standards for designing governmental packages.
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  • Identifying the most suitable standards for designing successful governmental packages.
  • Gaining a clearer understanding of the users' journey in various digital services.
  • Benefitting from governmental enablers in designing effective services tailored to users' needs.
  • Accelerating the adoption of digital services in government institutions.
  • Enhancing the quality of life in the emirate.


Launching The Business Feasibility Study Tool

A digital platform that enables investors to predict high opportunity business ventures based on the location chosen by the investor using a machine learning model, in collaboration with AWS.

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Investors lacking a clear picture of promising business opportunities in the emirate based on verified governmental data.
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  • Assisting investors in making optimal investment decisions and searching for the best suitable area to start the project.
  • Maximizing the benefits from Ajman's open data sets through the Ajman Live Data platform, offered by local entities in the Emirate of Ajman.


Launching the AJSB E-Platform Tools

A unified digital platform that encompasses all points of connection between local entities, federal authorities, and private sector entities. The aim is to deliver Ajman's services comprehensively and consistently.  

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  • Users needing to visit multiple governmental entities when applying for a particular service.
  • High paper consumption due to frequent printing and scanning of documentary evidence.
  • Service providers and employees wasting time and resources on prolonged and complicated governmental procedures.
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  • Centralized access to data through a secure and reliable digital solution.
  • Reducing complexity and achieving alignment by simplifying interactions between users and governmental entities.
  • Focusing on users' experience in designing the digital services provided to them.
  • Leveraging the capabilities of Information and Communication Technology for the Ajman government.
  • Enhancing the adoption and appeal of users towards digital services.


Ajman One Cloud

A shared infrastructure that includes a unified main data center for the Ajman Government (Ajman TierIII Data Center) and a secondary data center for disaster protection (Ajman Disaster Recovery Data Center) that allows all government agencies and customers to access a set of computer resources and systems available on demand and seamlessly over a secure network.
The launch of Ajman One Cloud coincided with the launch of the digital transformation plan in the emirate, which contributes to providing reliable, more efficient and effective services that are available around the clock.
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  • The costumer's need to visit several governmental entities when applying for a particular service.
  • High consumption of paper during repeated printing and scanning of documentary evidence.
  • Wasting resources of time and money by service-providing entities and employees in lengthy and complicated governmental procedures.
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  • Enhancing the efficiency of governmental entities' services, leading to cost savings and streamlined operational procedures.
  • Compliance with the best global standards in IT, such as Uptime Institute TIER III, ISO 27001, ISO 22301, and ISO 20000.
  • Empowering governmental entities to access the latest technologies, like IoT, AI, big data, and blockchain.
  • Ensuring data recovery in case of main service interruptions, planned or unplanned, or during disasters, by reverting to primary data canters.


Initiating The Cooperation Between The Department of Digital Ajman and The Department of Finance with MBME

Signing a cooperation agreement with Ajman Bank and MBME, a market leader in kiosk and payment solutions. 

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The need to integrate all services of Ajman's smart payment portal into one place along with other services required by the user in the Ajman One application.
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  • Adding Ajman's smart payment gateway services to the Ajman One application in the context of implementing and managing payment operations and developing the Department of Digital Ajman's "eAjman" project.
  • Contributing to achieving "Ajman Vision 2021" and the emirate's digital transformation plan 2017-2022, and the development of the emirate's official "Ajman. ae" site.
  • Offering more technological solutions for completing governmental and daily transactions using smart and quick resolutions.


Launching The "Customer Happiness Measurement" Project using AI

This initiative aims to monitor the real-time happiness levels of stakeholders using advanced technologies that analyse facial expressions tone, and interactions between stakeholders and service providers during service completion or while using government websites and applications. 

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Lack of real-time information about the satisfaction level of stakeholders and service providers in daily transactions.
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Forming a more comprehensive view of the quality of services provided by various government departments and how to develop related products to ensure a smooth and easy experience for stakeholders.


The Government of Ajman as the First Government to Adopt Digital Identity and Signature in The Unified Correspondence System

Ajman's government is the first in the UAE to adopt digital identity and digital signature in the unified government correspondence system (Al Tarsh system).  

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  • Multiple storage locations for documents and paper forms, leading to their presence in multiple places affiliated with different government entities.
  • The need to repeatedly print and copy documents when following up on government transactions.
  • Storing documents using hackable technologies.
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  • Developing the Al Tarsh system, which is the main unified system for correspondence and communication among government entities.
  • Elevating the level of security and reliability to meet stakeholder needs and support the digital transformation process.
  • Supporting the efforts of the UAE Government in adopting digital identity.


Launching "Your Voice is Heard" Initiative

This initiative aims to establish a new communication channel with the public, enabling them to benefit from digital government services. It allows them to provide suggestions and discuss any difficulties or obstacles they might encounter when requesting services. This is facilitated via a weekly program on Instagram that airs for an hour.   

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Many problems were faced by stakeholders as they lack the ability to communicate with the concerned authorities.
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  • Providing a new communication channel with stakeholders benefiting from digital government services.
  • Offering the public an opportunity to communicate transparently and directly with officials.
  • Enhancing the efficiency of the digital government services provided to stakeholders.


Launching The "Ajman Live Meter" Initiative

A live display of Ajman's open data using a precise index updated instantly in various areas, including economic, commercial, industrial, service, and tourism.

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Live display of data's indicators for life in Ajman.
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Enabling the user to access important figures that reflect different aspects of life in Ajman in a live and direct manner, such as population census, the number of institutions in different areas, and the growth rate of the real estate market over the years.


Launching The "Hemmah" Campaign To Provide Computers For Financially Challenged Students in Ajman

Under the guidance of His Highness Sheikh Ammar Al Nuaimi, Crown Prince of Ajman and President of the Executive Council, the initiative aims to strengthen the principles of community participation and the need to support financially challenged students. Through this initiative, more than 140 students were provided with computers to continue their educational journey.  

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  • The inability of financially challenged students to continue their academic pursuit due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Limited financial resources available to underprivileged families.
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  • Emphasizing the importance of education across all sectors of society and ensuring that underprivileged students continue their academic pursuits.
  • Easing the financial burdens on underprivileged families.


Ajman Government's Provision of 264 Digital Remote Services

Meeting the needs of clients at any time and regardless of circumstances with efficiency and flexibility and providing a unified government platform for digital communication and interaction among all government employees.  

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  • The need to be present at the service provider's headquarters during working hours.
  • Technical issues in delivering some digital services.
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  • Offering smooth and flexible services remotely and around the clock.
  • Saving clients' time and faster service delivery.


Launching the "Star System" for Digital Government Services

A comprehensive methodology has been developed to evaluate the level of digital services across their delivery channels, incorporating unified standards across the emirate and well-defined objectives. Classification is based on a star system, ranging from 1 to 5 stars. 

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Lack of standard criteria essential for assessing digital governmental services.
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  • Enhancing the user experience and elevating satisfaction rates.
  • Augmenting the adoption of digital services and realizing the strategic objectives of the digital transformation plan.
  • Efficient and reliable digital services.


Announcement of Department of Digital Ajman's Technological Preparedness for Business Continuity in Ajman Emirate

Activation of an advanced technological system with high efficiency, ensuring smooth operations while considering the health and safety of employees and stakeholders.  

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As the COVID-19 pandemic began its global spread, numerous challenges emerged, accompanied by exceptional circumstances that necessitated swift responses and prudent handling. Precautionary measures were implemented, including the regulation of movement and gatherings, suspension of in-person education, and remote work arrangements, in both the public and private sectors. Additionally, there was a notable increase in targeted cyber threats and attacks on vital sectors within the country during the pandemic.
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  • A total of 19 prominent government entities benefited from the technical readiness of Ajman's government.
  • Achieved a 100% connectivity rate for entities linked to Ajman's unified electronic network (AJnet).
  • Attained a 78% activation rate for the unified electronic system for archiving government documents.


Launching The Ajman One Application

The Ajman One app is a comprehensive application for the Emirate of Ajman, offering over 149 government and private sector services and sub-services. It also includes the 'Government Services Performance System' project, which establishes a centralized data services system for all local government entities in Ajman. This central repository is vital for government entities, as it helps identify service development initiatives and create new services to enhance the quality of life in Ajman and improve customer satisfaction.

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  • Multiple applications and websites to visit for services and invoice payments from multiple entities
  • Restricting the service application time to the working hours of the service provider
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  • Provide smart, innovative and efficient digital government services.
  • Improving local services in Ajman in line with the Emirate's vision.
  • Making Ajman a happy society that contributes to the development of a green economy driven by a distinguished government filled with union's spirit.



ISO27001 Certification in Information Security Management Systems

Implementation of information security management system policies according to ISO 27001 standards and obtaining its certification to ensure the management of information security systems, risks, services, and the safeguarding of data and systems. This contributes to providing reliable services with higher efficiency and effectiveness around the clock.

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Non-implementation of information security management systems policies according to ISO 27001 standards.
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  • Ensuring compliance with national and international standards in information security management systems.
  • Assuring the management of information security systems, risks, services, and safeguarding data and systems.
  • Delivering reliable services with higher efficiency and effectiveness.


Launching The Comprehensive Transformation Plan of The Government of Digital Ajman 2017-2022

Ajman's digital transformation roadmap for government services aims at establishing strategic goals and initiatives as well as demonstrates how to methodically prioritize the digital transformation of the government.

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  • The lack of innovative, efficient and round-the-clock digital services.
  • The need to visit the service provider's centre.
  • The challenges of providing various services due to the numerous requirements and ambiguity of some details.
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  • Providing digital services in accordance with the highest standards of excellence.
  • Improving Ajman's government services by making innovation as the foundation of its success.
  • Prioritizing customers and considering their time and effort greatly contributes to the happiness of the residents of Ajman.


The Federal Digital Network FEDnet

A secure private network following the latest and highest global protection standards, connecting all local and federal entities with a unified central connection. The Ajman Government network (AJnet) facilitates fast and secure communication with governmental and federal entities across all emirates, encompassing more than 76 federal entities and 6 local governments. 

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  • Decentralization in network connectivity among local and federal entities.
  • Depletion of time and financial resources in less efficient solutions.
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  • Centralization of secure network connectivity among local and federal entities.
  • Enhancing governmental service efficiency and better managing time, financial resources, and human capital.


Launching the Ajman Tier III Data Center and Ajman Disaster
Recovery Data Center

A unified main data center and a backup disaster recovery data center were established for the Ajman Government to host all systems and governmental services affiliated with the Emirate of Ajman.

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  • Decentralization in operating and managing data centers.
  • Non-alignment with best global practices and standards in IT and communications.
  • Depletion of governmental entity resources in time, money, and human capital in less efficient solutions.
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  • Centralization in operating and managing data centers through a unified platform.
  • Alignment with best global practices and standards in IT and communications.
  • Enhancing governmental service efficiency and better managing time, financial resources, and human capital.


The Government of Ajman's Network (AJnet)

A secure private governmental network adhering to the latest and highest global protection standards, providing secure communication between all governmental entities affiliated with the Emirate of Ajman. It serves as an effective and reliable medium for delivering smart governmental services to institutions and residents of the United Arab Emirates.

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  • Decentralization in network connectivity among local entities affiliated with the Emirate of Ajman.
  • Depletion of time and financial resources in less efficient solutions.
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  • Centralization of secure network connectivity among local entities affiliated with the Emirate of Ajman.
  • Enhancing governmental service efficiency and better managing time, financial resources, and human capital.
  • Stay in the heart of the Action.

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