Department of Digital Ajman

12 entities on the Ajman Government Platform showcase their achievements and initiatives at GITEX 2022

Ajman, Oct. 6 (WAM) -- Ajman Digital Department (DD), which is leading the digital transformation of the Government of Ajman, has announced the government's participation in the 42nd edition of GITEX Global, the world's largest and most comprehensive technology exhibition, which will be held from October 10 to 14 at the Dubai World Trade Centre.

Under the umbrella of the Government of Ajman, 12 government and private entities in the emirate are showcasing their most prominent technical achievements, in addition to announcing their most important current and future initiatives and projects, and the visions they have set in this field in order to consolidate the digital transformation process in the emirate in order to enhance the quality of government services and provide an exceptional customer experience and happiness.

Ajman Government Pavilion is attended by Ajman Digital Department, Human Resources Department, Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ajman Statistics Center, Department of Finance, Municipality and Planning Department, Transport Authority, Land and Real Estate Regulatory Department, Ajman Police General Headquarters, Department of Economic Development, and from the private sector a set of details for outsourcing call and business centers.

Her Excellency Dr. Ohood Ali Shuhail, Director General of Ajman Digital Department, said that participating in this most prominent global exhibition in the field of modern technology and artificial intelligence is an ideal opportunity to shed light on the digital transformation process in the Emirate of Ajman, learn about the latest developments in digital industries, and benefit from inspiring experiences to adapt them in the development of government services, as well as exploring more opportunities for cooperation and partnership to provide quality solutions that improve the quality of life of community members and ensure them a brighter tomorrow.

Shuhail expressed her aspiration to provide a unique experience for visitors and participants, and introduce them to the emirate's digital experience through a unified platform that showcases a range of innovative government services, and the new initiatives it holds for the future aimed at improving the customer journey in all local government departments, and providing proactive, flexible and sustainable digital services that reflect positively on the emirate's society, environment and economy, in addition to its contribution to enhancing the UAE's competitiveness to be the best in the world in providing government services.

For his part, Major General Sheikh Sultan bin Abdullah Al Nuaimi, Commander-in-Chief of Ajman Police, stressed that GITEX Technology Week constitutes the march of technology and technology for a bright future, and said: "With the increasing and growing acceleration in the technological and knowledge revolution, and the global competition in the technical and technological field at the present time, the Government of Ajman is keen to participate in GITEX Technology Week, which brings together under its umbrella a group of companies and technical and technological institutions to reveal the latest technical developments.

He added: "Since GITEX Technology Week is one of the distinguished events that showcase the most prominent technical and technological developments at the regional and global levels, Ajman Police is keen every year to participate in it to display the most prominent employment of technology and modern technologies on the Ajman Government platform, and to introduce the distinguished smart services produced by the minds and experiences of its employees, which keep pace with the latest developments in the world in communications, technological knowledge, artificial intelligence techniques, and the fields of employing computing in the service of society and humans."

He described the participation of the Government of Ajman in the exhibition as a golden opportunity to present the most prominent new plans and visions and their contributions to technology that supports the electronic and digital renaissance.

For his part, His Excellency Rashid Abdulrahman bin Jubran Al Suwaidi, Director General of Ajman Government Human Resources Department, stressed that participating in GITEX Technology Exhibition comes within the framework of the Department's keenness to provide digital transformation requirements that are in line with the strategy of the Government of Ajman, and to provide distinguished and innovative services to develop skills and increase competencies, noting that participation in this global event is an opportunity to meet leading technology companies globally, learn about the most prominent innovations and innovations, and follow up on the latest technologies and digital services.

He pointed to the Department's keenness to improve services and operations through the use of technical systems to ensure the optimal application of human resources systems, ensuring the simplification of operations, increasing the efficiency of procedures, employing the latest technologies and best practices in line with the government's directions to develop skills and increase the efficiency of human resources in the emirate.

In the same context, His Excellency Abdul Rahman Mohammed Al Nuaimi, Director General of Ajman Municipality and Planning Department, stressed the keenness of the Department, under the direct directives of Sheikh Rashid bin Humaid Al Nuaimi, Chairman of the Department, to participate in GITEX 2022, which is the most important technical exhibition in the region, indicating that the Department seeks every year to participate under the umbrella of the Government of Ajman to launch modern applications and systems to move forward on the path of full digital transformation.

He pointed out that the Department seeks to meet directly with all segments and groups of society to introduce smart applications and enable the public to use them easily and conveniently, indicating that the Department's pavilion will witness visitors to see the Department's smart application MPDA, which includes a range of services under its umbrella, including "Authentication" and "My Position".

He said: "We look forward to reaching everyone in the community, and providing quality services whose impact is felt by all members of society, and therefore we seek to improve and add multiple features and features to the launched applications to upgrade them and achieve the best results, indicating that the department will seek to strengthen the bonds of cooperation and mutual coordination with entities, institutions and success partners to advance progress in harnessing artificial intelligence and employing the latest technologies."

He explained that the department has developed a complete and comprehensive plan to launch a number of smart services throughout the exhibition days based on its human competencies, noting that "our goal is to reach customers, meet them closely, know their needs and listen to their opinions and bright ideas, as they are the basis of success."

For his part, His Excellency Salem Al Suwaidi, Director General of Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said that Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry is keen to modernize and develop its services and distinguish them with flexibility, speed and quality, in an effort to keep pace with the aspirations of business owners and customers, especially since the economic sector is characterized by rapid changes, and is affected by many external factors.

He added that Ajman Chamber's participation in GITEX Technology Week 2022, under the umbrella of the Government of Ajman, represents a starting point for proactive, automated and smart services, and represents an opportunity to develop existing services that embody the Chamber's objectives in promoting the sustainability and growth of the business community, foreseeing and creating the future of business, and diversifying competitiveness and leadership enablers.

He pointed out that during its participation in this year's edition of the exhibition, the Chamber will share with entities and visitors the most prominent and latest technical projects based on artificial intelligence, including the "Ajman Business City Metaverse Export Opportunities" platform, and the "Visuals Platform", in addition to providing a number of services to the Chamber through the Ajman One application.

Al Suwaidi thanked Ajman Digital Department for its efforts to ensure the success of the continuity of the Emirate of Ajman's participation in this global event, and to provide the opportunity for the participation of local government entities in the emirate to all participate in providing a competitive economic environment that attracts investments and supports business growth and sustainability.

In the same context, Her Excellency Dr. Hajar Al Hubaishi, Executive Director of Ajman Statistics Center, said: "The exhibition provides an ideal global platform that enables us to highlight the latest government and operational projects in the digital field in accordance with the strategy of the Government of Ajman aimed at confirming the emirate's leadership in the areas of enhancing government performance and improving the quality of life for citizens, visitors and investors. She added that this most prominent event in the field of technology "provides us with an interactive platform to benefit from digital solutions and artificial intelligence techniques in the development of statistical work to be a contributing tool to achieving comprehensive and sustainable development."

She stressed that Ajman Statistics Center is constantly seeking to learn about the latest technologies that contribute to achieving the center's mission, which aims to improve statistical and competitive work through the application of best practices by following statistical scientific methodologies and internationally recommended standards to meet the needs of data users and decision makers in the Emirate of Ajman.

H.E. Marwan Ahmed Al Ali, Director General of the Department of Finance in Ajman, said: "We look forward to participating in GITEX 2022 to showcase our innovative smart and digital services that enhance the Department's progress and excellence by developing proactive solutions and services, in addition to exchanging ideas and learning about the latest technological developments that contribute to achieving customer happiness.

He added that the department will participate in many new digital services that facilitate the customer's journey, from the Supplier Relations Department, to the stage of using the Ajman payment platform, and the new payment channels and methods will be reviewed with their new features through the platform, within the framework of the Department's keenness to provide an exceptional customer experience and enhance integration with various government agencies' services.

In a related context, Her Excellency Rasha Al Shamsi, Director General of the Transport Authority in Al-Nadab, pointed out that GITEX 2022 is a meeting point for all local and international expertise and knowledge, and to benefit from them in providing competitive and high-quality government services that contribute to raising the level of quality of life in the Emirate of Ajman at various levels and fields, to reach an effective digital infrastructure that contributes to the management of digital government services to achieve the vision of the Emirate of Ajman.

H.E. Eng. Omar bin Omair Al Muhairi, Director General of DLD, stressed that the Emirate of Ajman has succeeded in developing its technological infrastructure and achieved an exceptional renaissance at the level of government work, enhancing its position as one of the most prominent modern cities, and an ideal destination for entrepreneurs and investors looking for a business environment that suits their aspirations and provides them with integrated services of high quality and efficiency.

Al Muhairi explained that participating in GITEX within the Ajman Government platform comes within the framework of the Department's continuous efforts to enhance its distinguished digital experience and showcase its most important services and innovative unprecedented systems that have been carefully designed according to international standards in order to enrich the customer experience and raise the level of satisfaction and happiness among them.

H.E. Zubair Ismail Al Junaidi, Director of Ajman Government Communication Centre, said: "Ajman Government Communication Centre is participating for the first time in GITEX 2022, the most important global technology exhibition in which participating companies showcase the most prominent new technologies and inventions.

He pointed out that this participation in GITEX 2022 came as a result of Ajman Contact Center's belief in its technical and technological capabilities that made a qualitative leap in communication and communication and facilitated the process of entities with each other or with individuals and customers in particular.

Al-Junaidi said that the center takes advantage of every opportunity to participate in order to present its services, develop its capabilities, benefit as much as possible from everything that serves the communication process and openness to technology and new technologies, and employ them for the benefit of the continuous development processes conducted and updated by the center continuously, and that the Ajman Contact Center always seeks to provide the best in everything related to communication services.

H.E. Abdulla Ahmed Al Hamrani, Director General of the Department of Economic Development, stressed that the Department is keen to participate annually in GITEX Global to showcase its most important achievements and the most prominent elements that enhance confidence in the reality and the business and investment community in the Emirate of Ajman, and open new horizons for growth and business competitiveness.

He said: "During our participation, we review the latest digital solutions that we adopt and innovative services to enhance the development process that puts the quality of life and the happiness of peoples and customers at the forefront of its priorities, and the Department has made great strides in implementing the strategic plan for comprehensive digital transformation that is in line with the vision of Ajman and the aspirations of the wise leadership."

H.E. Maryam Khalifa Al Nuaimi, Head of Details Group for Contact Center Outsourcing and Business, said: "Our participation in GITEX Technology comes due to the great importance that the exhibition enjoys on the regional and global arenas as one of the most prominent exhibitions specialized in the field of technology.

Al Nuaimi added that the participation of Details Group in this exhibition also falls within the framework of strengthening the group's strategy to communicate with the public, and introducing the multiple and distinguished electronic services it provides in the field of business outsourcing and communication to individuals, private companies and government institutions, in addition to learning about the latest innovations in the world of technology.

Al Nuaimi thanked the Government of Ajman's continuous support to Emirati entrepreneurs for giving us the opportunity to participate in this important event, which serves as a point of communication with government institutions and developers in the technology sector.

Mustafa Badr Aldin Saad Almahri

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